Looking for unique shops during your visit to Leuven?
We would like to introduce you to some of the ‘Pearls of commerce’ in Leuven.
In this blog you will find tips for visiting a neighbourhood where most visitors never come
This hidden gem is one of the favourite meeting spots of the locals, but it is also a wonderful place to spend time as a visitor. Discover why Hal 5 is definitely worth a visit.
Looking for a vibrant destination for a city trip that has unique hidden gems and plenty of free activities?
Ilse works in Leuven and enjoys exploring it with grandson Milan
Ella & Ines, students who always come home to Leuven
Bjorn & Jens, born in Leuven, born to enjoy life
Cinzia, employee in a clothes store
Bart, headmaster & Eva, teacher
Celeste, medical student
Forget the shopping streets and discover the favourite shops of the Leuven youths. It's all about clothing, books, music and of course zero waste & 2nd hand.
Leuven is definitely a place to make great memories together. But what do you take home as a souvenir for your family and friends, or even just for yourself? That tasty beer? Or how about - why not - a taxidermied animal?
There’s nothing better than a weekend trip with friends! And Leuven is the ideal destination. In this blog we have already planned a weekend for you. Be inspired and ... start looking for a date!
As magical as ever, but even more resplendent thanks to the comfy glow of the stalls at the Christmas market and many other wonderful winter experiences. Discover our tips here.
Jochem Daelman is one of the founding members of Onkruid Studio. It combines expertise in architecture, marketing, music, and culture to make creative interventions in cities.
Jeroen Lemaitre is passionate about taxidermy, the art of stuffing animals and insects. In 2014 he decided to inspire others with unique creations and started his own business in Leuven. He loves it when his creations evoke a wow effect on passers-by and customers.
Leuven is the playground of artist Hans Geyens. His favourite pastime is wandering through the streets of Leuven, looking for inspiration. He loves Leuven's mix of history and contemporary. And everything in between.
Karlien has her own business in Mechelsestraat, Leuven’s most fashionable shopping street. She’ll take you on a tour of her neighbourhood by bike. Saddle up!
These bars and shops offer some of the best Leuven beer.
When travelling, some of the best things to visit are the local markets. Markets allow you to get to know the people of the city and their specialty craft.
Where can you find the coolest fair fashion? The trendiest second-hand boutiques? And local home-grown delicacies? In Leuven ofcourse, where you can shop to your heart’s content without burdening our planet.