Visit Leuven is the tourist service of the city of Leuven.
If you are in Leuven, please visit our info office in the city center. We can offer you personalised help in Dutch, French, German and English. Some employees can help you in Spanish or Italian as well.

You can get a free city map, the ILUVLeuven Ticket, tickets for many other experiences and some nice souvenirs. Our colleagues will be happy to give you their personal tips to make your visit to Leuven unforgettable.
Enthusiastic about Leuven?
Share it via social media: Facebook and Instagram with #visitleuven.
Of course you can also reach us by phone and email.
Address: Jozef Vounckplein 2, 3000 Leuven
Phone: +32 16 20 30 20
Every day: 10:00-17:00
Closed: 25.12 & 01.01 • 24.12 & 31.12: 10:00-15:30
Phone: +32 16 20 30 20
Every day: 10:00-17:00
Closed: 25.12 & 01.01 • 24.12 & 31.12: 10:00-15:30