In celebration year 2025, get ready for exhibitions, heritage walks, art, lectures and so much more
Forget about Paris or Venice! Because Leuven is the real capital of love, with the most romantic spots where you will instantly feel those butterflies in your stomach.
Visit the highlights of Leuven
Where to start? This is a beer-loving city, can you tell? The pubs, the restaurants, the sights, the activities... Beer lovers definitely won’t go thirsty here!
Do you love to stay at charming B&Bs or would you prefer to spend the night in a well-known hotel chain? Leuven’s got them all. Book your stay here
The best documentaries from Belgium & abroad
Discover what to do during your stay in Leuven
Contact us. We are happy to help you.
Jozef Vounckplein 2 3000 Leuven