Leuven, Untold Stories: Beer

We’re all familiar with Belgian beers by now. But what is there really to tell and sample about beer from Leuven? For example, did you know that Leuven is home to the Leuven Institute for Beer Research? Or that you can read a heady story by a regular from the pub on the corner? Here’s where you’ll find local beer stories.

1 June 2024

Toasting with a ‘pintje’, we proudly tout Leuven as the destination yet to be discovered. This city, steeped in authentic character, offers a wealth of unknown and remarkable stories about beer and its rich brewing tradition. Did you know that Leuven is the cradle – and for a century the home – of Stella Artois? Join locals and newcomers on a beer discovery tour online here. It’s likely to only whet your thirst, so come on in and explore the city too!

Leuven x Beer

Immerse yourself in Leuven’s rich heritage, wandering the city’s streets, where different corners tell a story about centuries-old beer brewing traditions. Let the small artisanal breweries, lively cafés, and passionate artisans who keep Leuven’s beer culture alive amaze you. Discover Leuven, the city where the beer is always cold and the stories are always hot. Cheers to a new adventure in an undiscovered city full of flavour and history!


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